AWS Cloud Migration 1O1

Aayush Pandey
4 min readJun 21, 2021


Migrating current apps and IT assets to the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud provides a chance to improve one organization’s business practices. Migrating to AWS is an iterative process in which organizations develop new skills, procedures, tools, and capabilities. Migrating to AWS can help users save expenses, become more flexible, develop new skills more rapidly, and provide their clients with trustworthy, globally accessible services.

There are a few common migration strategies that will inform the user’s business plan, and a recommended approach to organizing and evolving their cloud teams as confidence and capability increases. AWS will cover an approach to migration execution, continuing on with building momentum and acceleration through a method of learn-and-iterate. AWS have collected common customer questions from hundreds of cloud migration journeys and listed them here to illustrate common concerns as new users embark on their cloud migration journey.

AWS created the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework (AWS CAF) to assist organizations in understanding how cloud adoption changes the way they work. AWS CAF offers a conceptual model for identifying migration readiness and defining a set of migration execution workstreams.

The importance of culture in cloud migration cannot be overstated. Cloud adoption may fall short of its full potential if businesses fail to examine the effects on culture, people, and processes, in addition to technology. Historically, on-premises infrastructure has been controlled by people, and even with advances in server virtualization, most businesses have been unable to achieve the kinds of automation that the cloud can give. Through a pay-as-you-go pricing model, the AWS Cloud gives users rapid access to infrastructure and application services.

The most important reason clients opt to migrate to the cloud is the increased agility. Increased productivity, data center consolidation or rationalization, and planning for an acquisition, divestment, or decrease in infrastructure sprawl are all popular reasons for clients to shift to the cloud.

Migration Readiness and Planning is a technique for preparing a business for cloud migration that includes tools, procedures, and best practices. The Migration Readiness and Planning technique is execution-driven and aligns with the AWS Cloud Adoption Framework.

AWS Cloud Migration Services

AWS Migration Hub

AWS Application Discovery Service

AWS Application Migration Service

CloudEndure Migration

AWS Service Catalog

AWS Database Migration Service

AWS Migration Hub — The AWS Migration Hub provides a centralized area for tracking the status of application migrations across numerous AWS and partner solutions. AWS Migration Hub offers a centralized location for monitoring migrations in any AWS region where the customer’s migration tools are accessible.

AWS Migration Hub features

  • Discover or import on-premises server details
  • Build a migration plan
  • Simple and intuitive migration dashboard
  • Application migration tracking
  • Multi-region migrations

AWS Application Discovery Service — By gathering information about on-premises data centers, AWS Application Discovery Service assists corporate clients in planning migration efforts. AWS Application Discovery Service gathers and displays configuration, use, and behavior data from client servers to help them understand workloads better.

AWS Application Discovery Service features

  • Discover on-premises infrastructure
  • Identify server dependencies
  • Measure server performance
  • Data Exploration in Amazon Athena

AWS Application Migration Service — AWS Application Migration Service is the primary migration service recommended for lift-and-shift migrations to AWS. AWS Application Migration Service simplifies and expedites client’s migration to the cloud. It allows clients to quickly realize the benefits of migrating applications to the cloud without changes and with minimal downtime.

AWS Application Migration Service benefits

  • Easy to get started
  • Minimize downtime
  • Cost-effective
  • Agility and Control

CloudEndure Migration — CloudEndure Migration helps with the simplification, acceleration, and automation of large-scale AWS migrations. Continuous Data Replication occurs in the background, without interrupting applications or affecting performance, ensuring that data is synchronized in real time and minimizing cutover windows. CloudEndure performs a highly automated machine translation and orchestration process, allowing even the most sophisticated apps and databases to operate natively in AWS with no compatibility concerns and no IT skills required.

AWS Service Catalog — AWS Service Catalog enables businesses to establish and manage catalogs of IT services that have been authorized for usage on AWS. These IT services might range from virtual machine images, servers, software, and databases to whole multi-tier application architectures. AWS Service Catalog allows clients to centrally manage deployed IT services and applications, resources, and metadata.

AWS Service Catalog features

  • Granular access control
  • Product and Portfolios
  • Versioning and Constraints
  • Stack and Service actions

AWS Database Migration Service — AWS Database Migration Service enables clients to move databases to AWS in a timely and safe manner. During the migration, the source database remains fully active, minimizing downtime for applications that rely on it. The AWS Database Migration Service can move data to and from the most popular commercial and open-source databases.

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